Hi, I'm Riad 👋
Software Engineer & Computer Science Graduate
A recently-graduated, passionate developer dedicated to creating unique applications and digital experiences. Feel free to explore my projects and don't hesitate to ask my chatbot any questions you might have!
$ whoami
Riad Mammadov - Aspiring Software Engineer & Tech Enthusiast
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Experience & Education
Freelance Web Development
Developed responsive web applications that enhance user satisfaction and streamlines operations for clients, while focusing on delivering high functionality and a seamless user experiences.
BSc Honours in Computer Science
Graduated with Upper Second-Class Honors (2:1) from City University of London.
KPMG Software Development Programme
Through this work experience programme during my studies, I gained invaluable insights into the daily operations of a Big Four firm. This opportunity was extremely insightful due to its comprehensive mentorship, which allowed me to expand my professional network and enhance my technical abilities, employability and soft skills.
Completed my A-levels, achieving an A*,B,C in Digital Game Development, Computer Science and Graphics